Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rural schools and 4-day schedules

That is one of the facts used to argue that funding of public schools is inadequate in this New York Times op-ed by Luis Ubinas and Chris Gabrieli says. Here's the excerpt:
The minimum required school day in West Virginia is already about the length of a “Harry Potter” double feature. In Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Milwaukee, summer school programs are being slashed or eliminated. In Oregon and California this year, students will spend fewer days in the classroom; in rural communities from New Mexico to Idaho, some students will be in school only four days a week.
I'm pleased to see these authors' attention to so many issues facing poor and largely rural states. But then again, education is a context in which it seems especially hard to overlook gross spatial inequalities and the short shrift that rural schools get.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The school system in Coos Bay, Oregon, the city I worked in as a reporter from 2006-10, is converting to a four-day school week this fall. One of the challenges that flows from the switch is the burden on parents who work five days a week. My understanding is the school district has arranged for the local Boys & Girls Club to have extended hours on Friday. Still, the impacts go beyond the children who are seeing their school days cut.