Sunday, January 10, 2021

Local insurrection in far northern California parallels federal insurrection at Capitol

Hailey Branson-Potts reports from Redding, the most populous city in far northern California (north of Sacramento), under the headline, "A day before Capitol attack, pro-Trump crowd stormed meeting, threatened officials in rural California."  Here's an excerpt:

The rebellion that took place inside a government building in rural Northern California happened the day before the violent siege of the U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Trump.

The Shasta County Board of Supervisors had planned to meet virtually Jan. 5 because of an uptick in coronavirus cases. The supervisors’ chambers in Redding were closed. Seats had been removed. The public speakers’ microphone was disabled.

But, in protest, a newly elected supervisor unlocked the doors. In poured dozens of people, unmasked, to vent their fury. Three supervisors attending virtually watched from afar as threats flew amid the speeches.
Branson-Potts quotes Timothy Fairfield, 44 of Shingletown, population 2,222, east of Redding.  He asked the supervisors:  
When Joe Biden’s long winter sets and the dark night comes in this country, do you think you’re going to get to see the dawn?  No, you will not. Flee now while you can. Because the days of your tyranny are drawing to a close, and the legitimacy of this government is waning.

When the ballot box is gone, there is only the cartridge box. You have made bullets expensive. But luckily for you, ropes are reusable.
Wow!  Lots of prior Legal Ruralism posts discuss attitudes like these in the would-be State of Jefferson, including Shasta County.  


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