Friday, December 6, 2019

More on Dollar General's expansion (which is putting rural grocery stores out of business)

A shuttered grocery store in Smith River, California (Del Norte County). 
A Dollar General Store is in business a few hundred yards away
(c) Lisa R. Pruitt 2019
This story from CNN reports that Dollar General is going to open 1000 stores in 2020.  Here's a quote from the story, which notes Dollar General's focus on rural and suburban markets, in particular those where the customers are low-to-middle income or, as the company's CEO expresses it, a "little stretched."
Dollar General's core customers make around $40,000 a year. 
"We see her about where we have the last couple of quarters," Dollar General chief executive Todd Vasos said on a call with analysts Thursday. "She still has a little bit of extra money in her pocket, continues to be employed at a pretty high rate. But, always remember, our core customer is always a little stretched."

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