Saturday, December 7, 2019

From The Atlantic, on the rural mental health crisis

See James Burns' short documentary here, out of Cochise County, Arizona, population 131,346 and covering an area the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined.

And here's more coverage of the rural health care crisis--in particular the closure of rural hospitals.  This is out of Appalachian Virginia, from In These Times.  The November, 2019, issue of that publication was dedicated to the "High Cost of Living Rural."  Of course, this blog features many posts over the years on rural health care issues, which you'll find under the "mental health" and "health care" tags.



    The internet today is full of SCAM ADS, mostly in comments of various sites and blogs. A large number of individuals have been victims of scam and lost a lot of money to SCAMMERS. Most of the common scam you can see
    ❌BINARY AUCTION SCAM. ❌HACKING SCAM. and lost more......

    But here is a good news to everyone who has been a victim of INTERNET SCAM❗️
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    WHO ARE WE⁉️
    We are PLUGGERS! A group of skilled Hackers and have dedicated our time to help individuals get back thier money from INTERNET SCAMMERS. There is a research was carried on to calculate the amount of money individual loose to Scam, and it was confirmed that more than USD $3billion annually. This is so wrong and that’s why we have decided to help individuals get thier money.

    We first of all study the scammer brought to us by hacking the person device(phone or computer) to get information of How, Where, this person keeps money he/she as defrauded from people ( so many of this scammers don’t actually save the money in banks, they mostly stack the money in a Bitcoin wallet, that way it is safe and untraceable to authorities) and we work on a strategy to get back the money and give it back to whom they have defrauded.

    Contacting us is simple, just give us a message through the email below.

    If you a victim of internet scam or you know someone who is, make contact to us immediately. You are 💯 % safe to contact us, our email is very secure.

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