Monday, July 12, 2010

Law and Order in the Ozarks (Part LXII): Third intimate partner killing in as many years

As I ponder the most recent homicide in Newton County, reported here, I realize that this is the third death of a person at the hands of an intimate in as many years in the county. Making this all the more shocking is the fact that these have been the only three reported homicides in Newton County over these three years. The first two homicides were committed by women against male intimates. All three deaths involved the use of shotguns. Read about the other deaths here and here. In both of the earlier homicides, the shotguns used were stored--apparently loaded--in the families' respective living rooms,and children were present at the shooting deaths.

I am reminded of the statistic, discussed in the early pages of this article, that intimate partner violence is more likely to be deadly in rural areas than in urban ones.

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