Saturday, July 10, 2010

Law and Order in the Ozarks (Part LXI): Details of killing revealed

The June 30 and July 7, 2010, issues of the Newton County Times have arrived, and the big crime news is a follow up on the shooting death of 40-year-old Alice Lloyd. Jackie Len Campbell, age 48 of Vendor, has been charged with capital murder in her death. The story reports that Campbell "has been charged with capital murder, abuse of a corpse and tampering with physical evidence, as well as committing a felony with a firearm, which could add years to any prison sentence if convicted." The story suggests that Campbell has implicated himself in Lloyd's death, saying he shot her in the chest while they were in his home. He then reportedly bathed the body in his bathtub, wrapped it in a blanket, and drove to "the Fort Douglas area of Johnson County, dumping her naked body into Piney Creek and returning to state Highway 123, where he set the car on fire. The affidavit said a Forestry Service Ranger came upon the burning car about 9:30 am, and Campbell sitting beside it. Campbell asked the ranger to drive to the swimming area to check on his girlfriend. The ranger did, but didn't locate anyone and drove back to Campbell, explaining to Campbell that no one was present. Campbell insisted the ranger take him to the swimming area. When they arrived, the ranger asked if he were satisfied that no one was present, but Campbell asked if the ranger had looked in the water. The ranger went to the edge of the water and saw a body floating a few feet from the bank. Johnson County authorities were notified and began processing the scene."

A subsequent search of Campbell's home revealed blood on the floor and walls of the bathroom and a 20-gauge shotgun on the bed across from the bathroom. The wound to Lloyd's chest is consistent with a 20-gauge shotgun wound.

In other headlines:
  • Owners maneuver to protect land from herbicides. This reports on property owners attempts to keep Carroll Electric Cooperative from spraying herbicides under power lines on their property. This has been a hot issue in the county for more than year because several property owners who requested that their land not be sprayed last year had it sprayed nevertheless. One such owner, an organic blueberry grower, is using a new form and documentation in a renewed effort to prevent his property from being sprayed again.

  • Criminal cases recently adjudicated in Newton County Circuit Court.

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