Monday, September 5, 2022

My rural travelogue (Part XXXII): West Marin County, California

Tomales General Store and Post Office
(c) Lisa R. Pruitt 2022
I've spent this very hot Labor Day weekend between Marshall and Tomales, California, on Tomales Bay, a narrow 15-mile long inlet from the Pacific, separating the Point Reyes Peninsula from mainland Marin County.  It's given us a welcome respite from the heat and also an opportunity to visit the annual Tomales Festival, which begins at high noon on Labor Day Sunday.  It drew quite a crowd.  

The festival was in the Tomales Community Park, 
between the Catholic Church and the William Tell House
Here are a smattering of photos.  

Marin County Library booth

Cheese and beer, two products associated with 
this part of California (especially cheese, as
Cowgirl Creamery is based down the road in Point Reyes Station). 

Public health booth, where free masks and covid tests were available

Another public service booth, this one for Mosquito Vector Control

The population of Tomales, which lies right on Highway 1, is 187.  It is home to a small elementary school, the William Tell saloon (oldest in California, it says), and the popular Route 1 Bakery and Kitchen.  

This farmer's market, associated with True Grass Farms, was set up at the festival entrance but apparently operates apart from the festival because it was also there on Saturday.  Their meats, eggs, fruit and veggies, and cut flowers were irresistible.

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