Sunday, September 18, 2022

More excellent reporting on rural and exurban California, from Joshua Tree to the State of Jefferson

I've written several blog posts here about the gentrification of Joshua Tree and surrounding environs in Southern California, in what we call the "Inland Empire."  I've written even more about the would-be State of Jefferson in the far northern part of the Golden State, with a focus on the region's metropolitan hub, Shasta County, where political turmoil has run (especially) rampant in recent months.  Now, two big features in the last few days echo those themes.  The first is in The Guardian, by Lois Beckett with photos by Alex Welsh.   The second is by Shawn Hubler for the New York Times, titled, "The California County Where MAGA Took Control."  Both stories are well worth a read in their entirety--especially by and for Californians.  

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