Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Candidate takes on "Dirt Road Democrat" label--and a bold progressive stance--in Missouri legislative race

Screenshot from Twitter feed on July 3, 2022

Jess Piper is a Democrat trying to flip the script for her party in rural northwest Missouri as she seeks a seat in the state legislature.  I've been following her for a while, and she'd been getting bolder in her progressive stances.  Piper's main calling card--beyond generally pointing out the existence of rural progressives and trying to rally the troops--is saving rural schools.  She recognizes that money flowing to charter schools will be particularly harmful for already under-funded rural schools.  (Senator Jon Tester of Montana made this point about rural schools in his book, Grounded). Piper, herself a former teacher, often deploys the slogan Dirt Road Democrat as she talks about the loss of other rural infrastructure, such as rural hospitals. 

Here are some additional screenshots from her campaign's Twitter feed:  

Piper has also been outspoken about the reversal of Roe v. Wade in the U.S. Supreme Court's Dobbs decision handed down about 10 days ago. 

This is from the Fourth of July, at a pro-choice rally in Kansas City, not in the district Piper seeks to represent.  

Screenshot of Melissa Robinson Twitter Feed July 4, 2022

And here's a TikTok video she posted on July 1, after a day of knocking on doors in Burlington Junction, population 537, in Nodaway County.  

Whatever happens in the election this fall, I admire Piper's courage, boldness, and energy. 

Postscript:  On July 5, 2022, Piper picked up this endorsement from the Missouri National Education  Association.  

This earlier post based on a Washington Times story also features Piper.  

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