Thursday, May 5, 2022

UC System to provide free tuition to American Indian students

The Los Angeles Times coverage is here, and NPR's coverage is here.  The following excerpt is from the Los Angeles Times story by Colleen Shalby: 
“The University of California is committed to recognizing and acknowledging historical wrongs endured by Native Americans,” [University of California President] Drake wrote. “I am proud of the efforts the University has made to support the Native American community, including the creation of the UC Native American Opportunity Plan, and appreciate our conversations to date on all the ways in which we can better support Native American students.”

The UC President’s Native American Advisory Council, composed of California tribal leaders, faculty, and experts, provided feedback on the plan.

Tuition at UC is roughly $13,100 for California residents.

Here is the University of California announcement about the matter.  

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