Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Stacey Abrams' shoutout to rural folks in her campaign announcement

Stacey Abrams announced today that she's a candidate for Georgia governor again in 2022.  Her 2.5 minute long announcement video was a model of inclusivity in many ways, including the wide array of folks depicted--across race/ethnicity, age and geography.  It was notable for rural folks in two regards.  The first is where she is talking about folks she's been working on behalf of and what needs to be done in Georgia.  Among the issues she lists are:   

paying off medical debt for 68,000 Georgians, expanding access to vaccines, bringing supplies to overwhelmed food banks, lending a hand across our state, especially in rural Georgia.

I like the "especially" because it signals special attention and her knowledge that rural folks have been left behind, have particular needs.  The ad continues:     

We helped finance small businesses trying to stay afloat.  And I spoke up for families being left behind.  While my jobs have changed, what I know to be true has not.  

Our values are still strong, no matter where we come from in Georgia or how long we've been here.  We believe in this place and our people.  Folks who deserve to be seen and heard and have a voice.  

Because in the end, we are one Georgia.  

Then there is this:   

Regardless of the pandemic or the storms, the obstacles in our way or the forces determined to divide us, my job has been to keep my head down and keep working for that one Georgia, for that farmer in Peach County, the teacher in Sparta, the mechanic in College Park.  

Good stuff.   Good model for other politicians ignoring rural voters. 

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