Monday, October 25, 2021

Two stories of extreme political division in micropolitan Montana

The New York Times reported from near Great Falls, Montana today, and the Washington Post reported from Kalispell, west of Glacier National Park, near the Canadian border.   

The headline for Reid Epstein's front page story in the Times is "Where Facts Were No Match for Fear."  As suggested, disinformation plays a role in the division in that north central region of the state.  The headline for Lisa Rein's Washington Post story is "Montanans used to live and let live. Now bitter confrontations cloud Big Sky Country."

Both lengthy pieces are well worth a read.  The Kalispell story, which involved confrontation and open carry of guns at a parade there, reminded me of the opening scene of the book Gunfight, by Ryan Busse, published last week.  It depicts the participation of the author and his family in a Black Lives Matter rally in Kalispell, where they live, and their encounter with a pistol-toting MAGA supporter.  That scene, too, was very tense.  I have a review of the book forthcoming in the Daily Yonder tomorrow, so you can read more then and there. 

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