Saturday, August 28, 2021

Coronavirus in rural America (Part CXLVIII): cases spiking in far northern California

Hailey Branson-Potts reports in today's Los Angeles Times from Crescent City, population 6,676, the county seat of Del Norte County, where California meets Oregon and the Pacific Ocean.   Here's an excerpt:  

Cumulative coronavirus cases [in Del Norte County] have more than doubled over the last three months, from 1,380 confirmed on May 10 to 2,805 on Friday. At least 70 cases were confirmed Thursday alone.

The county of 27,800 people has one hospital, the 49-bed Sutter Coast Hospital in Crescent City. The next-closest in California is a 90-minute drive south in Humboldt County — over a stretch of Highway 101 called Last Chance Grade that is crumbling into the sea.

The state has sent extra doctors, nurses, X-ray technicians and respiratory therapists to the overwhelmed Sutter Coast Hospital, and 40 ventilators have been ordered, [State Senator Mike] McGuire said.
* * *
Like many facilities in rural regions, where it can be hard to recruit professionals, Sutter Coast struggled with staffing shortages even before the pandemic. Now, [Sutter Coast Chief Executive Mitch] Hanna said, that deficit is exacerbated by doctors and nurses falling ill with the virus.
Just 35.8% of Del Norte County's population is vaccinated, compared to 56.3% of Californians.  Meanwhile, 83% of the hospital's new COVID-19 patients have been unvaccinated.  
Earlier this month, more than 100 doctors in Del Norte and neighboring Humboldt County signed a letter pleading for residents to get vaccinated.  
The letter said:  
As your physicians, and as the people with whom you have worked, played, laughed and cried, we must admit we are tired,” it said. “We will keep working, of course. But we are tired. We are tired of the suffering, pain and death that can be avoided by getting vaccinated.

A recent post about high hospitalization rates in six rural northern California counties is here.  To this list, Branson-Potts' story adds the counties of Amador, Plumas, Shasta and Placer.  

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