Thursday, July 22, 2021

Coronavirus in rural America (Part CXLIII): Federal money set aside for rural vaccine outreach

That was what the spoken promotion for this NPR segment touted today, and here's how host Ailsa Chang introduced it: 

CHANG: That's White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients. He announced today that the federal government was sending $100 million to rural health clinics for vaccine outreach in places where vaccination rates are generally lower. Joining us now to break down all of this is Andy Slavitt, former senior adviser on the White House COVID-19 response team. Welcome.

Unfortunately, nothing else in the story expanded on the rural angle--not how outreach to rural populations would differ or any other aspect of the effort.   

And here's a story from The Atlantic on the particular failure of the South to achieve a robust degree of vaccination.  Adam Harris writes of "The Threat of an Unvaccinated South."   The South is the most rural region of the United States, though Harris does not explicitly invoke "rural."  

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