Monday, June 28, 2021

Nudges from farmer/Senator Tester on the bipartisan infrastructure bill

By this account from Politico, Senator Jon Tester--the only farmer in the Senate--played a critical role in brokering the bi-partisan infrastructure bill that was announced last week.  Here's the story's lede:  

Nearly every day over the last week, Jon Tester insisted that the Senate’s latest bipartisan alliance had to seal an infrastructure deal before the next morning. After several whiffs, his nudges paid off.

With talks among his group and President Joe Biden moving along sluggishly, the burly Montana farmer had a plan in mind as he repeatedly urged his colleagues — publicly and privately — to wrap things up.

“You have to push positive vibes if you’re going to get a positive result,” Tester explained of his strategy. “You’ve got to talk about success if you’re going to achieve success.”

This communications strategy is one Tester touted in his book, Grounded, which I reviewed here.  See the last chapter, with the "to do" list for Democrats, which suggests that framing and language matter.  

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