Saturday, January 2, 2021

Coronavirus in rural America (Part CXIV): Are rural states doing a better job at getting folks vaccinated?

This map, a screen shot from the New York Times, suggests "rural states" (a term I've often ridiculed) are doing better with vaccination logistics.  The darker states are those where a larger share of the population have gotten vaccinated.  That outcome is counterintuitive to me.   

Here's an excerpt that mentions some states popularly thought of as rural, but which does not explicitly mention rurality.

Some states, like Alaska, North Dakota and Utah, are supposed to receive supplements for tribal governments that have elected to receive their vaccines through the state, rather than through the federal Indian Health Service.

According to the federal data, West Virginia, North Dakota and South Dakota had administered the most doses per capita among states, and Kansas had administered the fewest.

P.S.  An NPR Morning Edition segment on January 5 specifically noted that some rural states are doing a better job at rolling out the vaccine and getting it into arms.   


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