Monday, October 19, 2020

Racial unrest out of rural South Africa

Lynsey Chutel and Monica Mark report for the New York Times from the Republic of South Africa, the Orange Free State.  The headline is "Killing of White Farmer Becomes a Flash Point in South Africa."  An excerpt about the murder of a young, white farm manager who was found, "strangled and tied to a pole on a farm."  Police say the killers were part of a livestock theft ring, and that the motive was robbery, not racial animus.  It sounds like many white farmers are unconvinced:  

But the killing of the farm manager, Brendin Horner, has become the latest flash point for racial conflict in South Africa, where the segregationist apartheid regime fell almost 30 years ago. Tension is particularly high in rural farming areas where white people still own a vast majority of the farms and Black people still serve as their often impoverished laborers.

Groups representing white farmers accuse the South African government of deliberately failing to protect them. Some white activist groups say that what they call “farm murders” represent the beginning of a “white genocide” aimed at driving whites out of South Africa.

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