Thursday, May 7, 2020

Coronavirus in rural America (Part XXXX): Some Montana public schools first in nation to re-open

I learned from listening to NPR's "Up First" this morning that a few rural Montana schools were re-opening today.  The school mentioned in that podcast was Libby, in far northwest Montana, population 2,628.  The podcast suggested that only the Libby High School would re-open, with limits of 4 students per teacher.  Younger students would not be invited back yet because they have cannot be trusted to abide by social distance rules.  Here is Aaron Bolton's story for Montana Public Radio, from this evening.

Here's a report from NBC-Montana a few days ago listing some other schools that are re-opening, most of them tiny schools, even one-room schools around the state. 

An important aspect of the story:  Governor Steve Bullock has ceded control on these issues to local school boards and leaders, with state guidelines. 

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