Monday, April 27, 2020

Coronavirus in rural America (Part XXXII): Far NorCal counties seek to re-open

Here's the story from the Redding Record Searchlight, which is based in Shasta County, the most populous and one of few metropolitan counties north of Sacramento:
Modoc, Tehama and Siskiyou counties are hoping their scant coronavirus cases will mean they can reopen parts of the economy again sooner than the rest of California.

All three counties are working out plans for letting some aspects of life return to normal, but there's a big caveat: Gov. Gavin Newsom would still have to give the OK.

Tehama County has had one confirmed case of the virus, while Modoc hasn't had any and Siskiyou County has had five so far. Out of the three counties, only the one Tehama County patient has died.
While Modoc, Tehama and Siskiyou counties do attract tourists, their economies tend to be more ag and extraction-based and therefore to experience less population churn.  The counties surrounding Lake Tahoe, on the other hand, in Nevada and El Dorado counties, are highly gentrified by second-home owners.  In Truckee, near the north shore, the incidence of coronavirus is 7 to 10 times higher than elsewhere in the state.  The San Francisco Chronicle reports that this has pitted year-round residents against week-enders.

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