Wednesday, August 28, 2019

My Rural Travelogue (Part XXIV): Bourgogne, France

Store selling wine-making supplies, Beaune, France
I've just spent a few days in the Bourgogne (in English, Burgundy) region of France, based in the small city of Beaune, population 22,387, which is about half an hour from the regional capital, Dijon.  Wikipedia describes Beaune's "place" in the wine biz thusly:
Beaune is the centre for wine industry services (such as tractors and equipment for vat-rooms) as well as a number of wine-related institutes and education facilities.
The first photo I am sharing at top is evidence of this, a shop right on the main street leading to the train station. I'm also posting just a few other photos of the area, though few do justice to the evident agricultural riches of the region, other than the wine grapes.
Vineyard near Beane, France
Vineyard maintenance, near Pommard, France

In addition to that most famous of products, I should  note the region's mustard production, as commemorated by a series of murals depicting different types of mustard plants.   Other photos are from the Saturday market and from around the town, including an herb garden on a public square, where all the herbs are labeled and, apparently, there for the taking.
Herb garden, apparently public, in the middle of Beaune

Varieties of mustard plants depicted in Beaune mural
Mushrooms, Beaune Market

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