Sunday, August 4, 2019

More conflation of rurality with whiteness in national media

I wrote about this a few days ago in relation to Paul Krugman's recent column, and now Eli Stokols of the Los Angeles Times reports: 
Trump’s denigration of cities is part of an effort to animate a base of rural, mostly white supporters while depressing minority turnout in places like Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia — a repeat of the two-pronged strategy that helped him to a surprising electoral college victory in 2016 and could be determinative again four years later.
* * * 
In reality, the country’s largest urban areas are major engines of the national economy and generate more tax money than they receive from the federal government. By contrast, most rural areas receive more from Washington than they generate.
Stokols' highlighting Trump's dog-whistling is fair enough, but I'd like to see writers with national platforms like his and Krugman's do more to acknowledge the racial diversity in rural America. 

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