Friday, February 15, 2019

Major media reveal cover up of pedophile doc in Indian Health Service

Read more here on the Wall Street Journal and Frontline story  An excerpt follows:
The investigation ... detailed the career of Stanley Patrick Weber, a pediatrician who in 2018 was convicted of sexually assaulting Native American boys. The IHS transferred him from one agency-run hospital to another after officials concluded he was molesting children in 1995, and he continued working for the federal agency for 21 years. 
The news organizations’ documentary about the doctor, Predator on the Reservation, premiered Tuesday.
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In the case of Mr. Weber, information about the allegations against him at one IHS hospital were never recorded in his credentialing file at the second facility where he worked, according to people who had seen those records. As a result, some officials who subsequently investigated his conduct said they were unaware of prior allegations.
In January, 2019, Weber was sentenced to 18 years in prison. 

Weber worked for the Indian Health Service for 30 years.  No one knows how many Indian youth Weber victimized over those decades. 

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