Thursday, August 9, 2018

My Rural Travelogue (Part XXI): Maras, Peru and the "Comisaria Rural"

I am traveling in Peru and Ecuador on a family vacation, and a few days ago was in Maras, Peru, a "village" of about 3,000 residents (according to our tour guide) between Cusco city and the Sacred Valley.  The area is best known for its "salinaria" and the nearby Incan ruins at Moray, but I found myself preoccupied with the use of the word "rural" in this sign on the main square:  Comisaria Rural PNP Maras.  I didn't see the word "rural" used elsewhere in my Peruvian travels, so I asked our guide what it was.  He explained that this is the rural police.

I later looked up Comisaria Rural on Google Translate and it produced this:
State institution whose function is to guarantee, maintain and restore internal order, provide protection and assistance to people and the community, ensure compliance with laws and public and private heritage security, prevent, investigate and combat crime; monitor and control borders.
This does not sound rural-specific, but rather seems to refer to the broader Peruvian police and security forces.

After passing through Maras, we were onto the ruins at Moray, where we saw hundreds of Peruvians in costume playing out a festival celebrating the Incan New Year, on August 1.  Our guide told us that these Peruvians came from the village of Maras.  Many uniformed officers were also present to direct traffic and keep order, and a number of them wore uniforms that were marked Comisaria Rural PNP Maras.

By the way, Googling "Comisaria Rural PNP Maras" for photos brings up lots of interesting ones, including an apparent dead body (covered up) right outside the Comisaria office.

1 comment:

  1. Bloomberg is a member of "Breakthrough Energy Ventures " ...a pro-nuclear / anti-livestock coalition of billionaires including Soros, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Steyer, Hoffman, Whitman, Calif. University, GE, etc.

    They invest in uranium, small modular nuclear reactors, & fake meat companies.

    On their website they have 8 anti-ag articles... one saying we should eat insects & algae to save the planet.

    Notice how enviros protest agriculture now they used to protest nukes?

    The Nuclear Energy Institute said that in 1984 the uranium mining industry made a "carefully crafted compromise" with the environmental community.

    The nuclear/uranium companies & lobbyists invariably tout nukes as THE carbon-free answer to combat climate change.

    They commission their own opinion polls saying 85% of people favor nuclear power.

    NEI recently posted a job opening for a media relations manager... responsibilities included "to persuade the public, through the media, of the value if nuclear energy for electricity while protecting the environment".

    NEI also said the nuke industry "stands to benefit" from climate change legislation because it can sell it's unused carbon credits to higher carbon producers and the price will go up as less credits are allocated... forcing more to switch to nukes.

    The cap & trade legislation was also going to be used to regulate cows... of which there are less of than 50 years ago.

    The nuke industry planned to put these new small modular reactors all over the world to accommodate the increasing demand plus the extra demand from electric vehicles...

    ...GE owns a Canadian uranium mine, has owned several nuke plants & owns General Motors ...who makes electric cars.

    Currently the U.S. only produces 5% of the uranium it uses ...the Aurora mine in Malheur county, Oregon is big enough to supply 30% of U.S. needs but is too low in grade (.05%) to meet the fuel requirements of the new small modular reactors invented by NuScale ...a spin-off company of Oregon State University.

    Nearby in the Steens Mountains is a much larger belt of high-grade uranium (1.00%) ...the richest in the U.S.. And it's close proximity would be ideal to blend with Aurora's low-grade ore to meet the required fuel potency.

    The Hammonds live on the Steens Mountains and were charged for arson in 2010 for a 2001 control that they had permission for from the BLM.

    ...U.S. Code 1855 says an allottee cannot prosecuted for fires on allotments. Yet the Hammonds were ultimately sentenced to 5 years in prison and had to give the govt first refusal rights to their land on the uranium-rich Steens Mountains.

    After they were resentenced ...a protest was held on their behalf...with the FBI killing one protester, Lavoy Finicum.

    Three nurses on duty when Lavoy's body was taken to the hospital, had all "committed suicide" within a month afterwards.

    A year later, FBI agent in charge...Greg Bretzing ...gets hired by a uranium transport company "The Greenbrier Companies" for a "newly created" global security director position.

    The above can easily be found online.

    To see 1958 article about the discovery of high grade uranium on the Steens Mountains Google "Solar x Corporation" mines".
