Thursday, June 30, 2016

Rural stories that didn't make it into the New York Times

The last week in June was a busy one, news-wise, not least because of the surprise decision by Britain to leave the EU.  Still, I was surprised that two natural disasters--both in rural places--attracted no (timely) attention in the New York Times.

The first was the fire in eastern Kern county, California, as covered in the Los Angeles Times here.  Over the days when the fire was garnering west coast coverage and some national coverage, I never saw even a short story about it in the New York Times, despite the loss of several lives.

The second was the "once-in-a-thousand-years" flood in West Virginia, which started on June 24 and was first covered in the New York Times the next day, with this story.   This story followed the next day.  The floods, which took 24 lives, didn't make the home page until this story appeared there on the afternoon of Sunday, June 26.  This story ran in the Monday, June 27 edition of the print issue.      

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