Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Drones deliver contraceptives to women in rural Ghana

Here's the lede for the New York Times Women in the World post:
Inspired by Amazon’s vision of unmanned delivery drones, public health specialists have created Project Last Mile, a scheme that uses drones to deliver contraceptives to women living in remote rural areas in Ghana. Project Last Mile, which is jointly funded by Coca-Cola, UNFPA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the United States Agency for International Development, has been so successful in its mission flying birth control, condoms, and other medical supplies to rural areas in Ghana over the past few months that the program is now set to expand into six other African countries. Governments in Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, Ethiopia and Mozambique have even expressed interest in taking over the program in their countries and paying for it themselves.
The story notes that delivery to rural areas that previously took two days can now be accomplished in just half an hour.

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