Saturday, February 1, 2014

(Former) Scout leaders charged with criminal mischief over Utah incident

Read the transcript of Scott Neuman's story for NPR here.  It quotes an Associated Press story about the charges brought against Glenn Taylor for toppling a "hoodoo," a mushroom shaped pillar dated to the Jurassic Period (145-170 million years ago) in Utah's Goblin Valley State Park.  David Hall is charged, too, for his role in filming the incident, which occurred when the men were leading a Boy Scout Troop outing to the Park.
"Emery County Attorney David Blackwell said he filed the charges Friday but is trying to negotiate a plea deal." 
"Both men, of Highland, Utah, about 30 miles south of Salt Lake City, were ordered to appear in state court March 18 ..." 
"'We are taking it seriously,' Blackwell said. 'It's been an interesting case, mostly because of the attention it's garnered.'" 
"Blackwell said any defense asserting the goblin-shaped rock was ready to tip over 'would need to have a lot of expert testimony, and it would probably go both ways.'"

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