Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Another story of toxic waste on Navajo lands

Dan Frosch reports from Church Rock, New Mexico, population 1,077, under the headline "Amid Toxic Waste, A Navajo Village Could Lose Its Land."  Here's the lede:
In this dusty corner of the Navajo reservation, where seven generations of families have been raised among the arroyos and mesas, Bertha Nez is facing the prospect of having to leave her land forever. 
The uranium pollution is so bad that it is unsafe for people to live here long term, environmental officials say. Although the uranium mines that once pocked the hillsides were shut down decades ago, mounds of toxic waste are still piled atop the dirt, raising concerns about radioactive dust and runoff. 
And as cleanup efforts continue, Ms. Nez and dozens of other residents of the Red Water Pond Road community, who have already had to leave their homes at least twice since 2007 because of the contamination, are now facing a more permanent relocation.
Another post about environmental contamination on the Navajo reservation is here.  

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