Friday, December 20, 2013

"A Town, a Team, and a Dream that Just Won't Die"

Here's the lede for an NPR story about Davy Rothbart's new documentary, "Medora"--as in Medora, Indiana, population 693.
In a high-school locker room in small-town Indiana, a coach is tearing into his basketball team. The Medora Hornets have scored zero points — none at all — in the game's fourth quarter. 
In Medora, the hapless team becomes a kind of metaphor for the town itself — "a no-stoplight town," in the words of documentarian Davy Rothbart, one where the jobs have dried up and the population has dwindled.
Melissa Block, who interviewed Rothbart, calls the film a "kind of elegy for a vanishing small-town America."

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