Saturday, October 12, 2013

Some National Parks re-open, as states pay for the privilege

NPR reports today, including details of what it will cost each state to open each park and for what period of time.
The Statue of Liberty - $369,300 for six days from Oct. 12-17 (New York)

Mount Rushmore National Memorial - $152,000 for 10 days from Oct. 14-23 (South Dakota)

Grand Canyon - $651,000 for seven days from Oct. 12-18 (Arizona)

Rocky Mountain National Park - $362,700 for 10 days from Oct. 11-20 (Colorado)
I note that the per day cost of the openings seems related not only to the size of the park, but perhaps also its locale?

Turns out Utah, whose civil disobedience I featured earlier in the week, is opening eight parks not at the expense not of state taxpayers but thanks to a $1.67 million donation (source not indicated).

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert called the deal a "godsend," commenting further:  
Utah's national parks are the backbone of many rural economies, and hardworking Utahans are paying a heavy price for this shutdown.

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