Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Colorado senators who supported back-ground checks for gun ownership recalled

The New York Times coverage is here.  It focuses on John Morse, whose Colorado Springs constituency was much more closely divided between Republicans and Democrats than that of Angie Giron, also recalled.  Giron represented an area around Pueblo, which the Times described as "a heavily Democratic, working-class slice of southern Colorado." The rural-urban divide has loomed large in the rhetoric of the recall, as reflected in coverage of the recall effort and yesterday's vote.  Read more here.

Here's an excerpt from Jack Healy's NYT story on yesterday's vote:
The passions ignited by the vote were on full display on Tuesday, as opposing sides lined up side by side outside polling places here in Colorado’s second-largest city. They spoke of knowing survivors of the mass shooting inside the Century 16 theater in Aurora, Colo. 
* * * 
A few feet away stood Steven Martin, 53, a recall supporter with a Beretta handgun holstered on his hip. 
“It’s a deterrent,” he said. “I love my country.”
Denver Post coverage of the recall election is here. It shows that the level of support for Morse, at 49%, was higher than the level of support for Giron, at 43.9%.  This suggests that, even though Giron's district is more heavily Democratic, it swung farther from supporting her.  Because it is a more rural district, I guess this suggests that rural folks (or working class folks), even when they are Democrats, are more likely to be pro gun. Here's a quote from the Post's coverage that supports that idea:
Party insiders always said Giron's race was the harder one. Although her district is heavily Democratic, Pueblo is a blue-collar union town. Morse's district included Manitou Springs and a portion of Colorado Springs — and more liberals.

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