Saturday, February 9, 2013

Law and Order in the Ozarks (Part CXII): Groceries and guns

The Feb. 6, 2013 issue of the Newton County Times reports on several major happenings, with the lead story being the re-naming of Bob's AG Supermarket after its purchase by the Harp's chain, based in Springdale, Arkansas.  Bob's had operated in Jasper since 1967 and is the grocery store I grew up with, having also gone to school with Bob's children.  The good news is that Jasper still has a grocery store and residents are not forced to go to Harrison, 20 miles away, for groceries.  Read reports about the demise of rural grocery stores here and here.

In more substantive news, the Quorum Court (equivalent of a Board of Supervisors) adopted Resolution No. 13-01, "A Resolution Supporting the Individual Right to Bear Arms as Established by the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United Staes of America and Supported by the Laws of Nature and God for Survival and Self Defense."  The resolution is similar to a non-binding resolution approved by Arkansas's state lawmakers last month, urging the federal government not to limit Second Amendment rights.  Among other things, the resolution states:
WHEREAS, the individual right to keep and bear arms is fully germane to the right to life-survival and self defense and the right of liberty ...
At the same meeting the Quorum Court appropriated funds to the Sheriff's office for "computers and to help meet detention costs."  The appropriations included $3,603 from the a Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District grant for the purchase of computers that law enforcement officers can use in the field, as was phone signal boosters.  The Quorum Court also appropriated $793.48 received from the state for unclaimed property and $15,300 in general funds to the County Special Detention Fund.  The County has received $34,061.94 from the federal government for the "purpose of patrolling and rescuing on government lands, of which $4,200 is in service contracts for local fire departments, and the remainder is Tittle III budget funds for personal services.

In other news, the Arkansas Dept. of Rural Services awarded $61,000 to the Jasper Volunteer Fire Department for the purchase of a new tanker truck.

U.S. Congressman Tim Cotton has set a townhall meeting for February 9 at the Huntsville City Hall.

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