Monday, July 2, 2012

Federal judge stays Mississippi abortion regulations

A federal district judge in Mississippi last night temporarily blocked application of the law, which I wrote about here a few days ago.   The law was scheduled to go into effect today.  Here's a report in yesterday's New York Times about the stay.  Judge Daniel P. Jordan III, in staying the law, wrote:
Though the debate over abortion continues, there exists legal precedent the court must follow. 
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Plaintiffs have offered evidence--including quotes from significant legislative and executive officers--that the act's purpose is to eliminate abortions in Mississippi.  They likewise submitted evidence that no safety or health concerns motivated its passage.  This evidence has not yet been rebutted.
The closure of the Jackson clinic would have "force[d] women to drive hundreds of miles out state to get an abortion."  Supporters of the clinic had sought the judge's intervention.

Judge Jordan has set a hearing on the law for July 11.

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