Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Rural Travelogue (Part XVI): Louisville to Lexington on the backroads

I visited the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky at the end of March, where I gave talks to the law faculties at both.  Between the two, I traveled between the two cities, but I chose to do so along the so-called Shelbyville Road, Highway 60, rather than along Interstate 64, which connects the two cities more expeditiously.  After navigating the greater Louisville (and Jefferson County) sprawl through suburbs with names like Middletown and Jeffersontown, I emerged into a more bucolic, more truly rural area, but one marked by exurban development like the one with the brick gatehouse entry, pictured below.  Interestingly, the posh housing development pictured was right across Highway 60 from the little country church pictured below, along with the home-made sign advertising property for sale.  The country store pictured above was just a few hundred yards down the road.

As I moved into neighboring Shelby County, the scenes became more consistently rural, with large farms--and mostly very affluent-looking ones featuring large, often modern homes set well back from the road.  The bottom photo is typical of the clusters of farm buildings along that road.  Not too many miles on, I passed into Simpsonville, where I took the photo of a sausage plant sign on the propane tank out front.  That's Purnell's Old Folks Whole Hog Country Sausage, in case you can't quite make out the brand from the photo.  The next stop was the county seat Shelbyville, but I'll dedicate an additional post to my stop there.

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