Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Savant of country wisdom"

Kim Severson reports in today's New York Times about Bobby Kirk, from Bogart, Georgia, population 1,407. The story illustrates what happens when there's a slow news day (I've noticed a lot of these days in recent weeks). Mr. Kirk shared his observation that it's "too hot to fish" with a local newspaper reporter last week-end and here's what happened next:
Then, as it does in this digital age, the swirl of fame began. The article got sent around on Twitter and picked up in other local newspapers. A CBS radio affiliate in Atlanta, about an hour west of here, called for an interview, as did the crew from Comedy Central. There was talk of T-shirts and ball caps. A large urban newspaper took interest.
Ultimately, even a crew from The Colbert Report traveled down the country road to Kirk's house for an interview.

A reporter from the Athens Banner-Herald commented on the phenomenon of Mr. Kirk's newfound fame:

“People can identify with what Bobby was saying .... He’s just a plain-spoken, average guy. I think it’s just time for the average guy’s opinion to come out.”

While I have some qualms about this poking fun at a simple Southern man, Kirk apparently doesn't mind. “They can make a monkey out of me as long as I get some money,” he said.

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