Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Maine school responds to declining enrollment by recruiting Chinese students

The dateline for Abby Goodenough's story in today's New York Times is Millinocket, Maine, population 5,203. Here's the story's lede:
Faced with dropping enrollment and revenue, the high school in this remote Maine town has fixed on an unlikely source of salvation: Chinese teenagers.

Never mind that Millinocket is an hour’s drive from the nearest mall or movie theater, or that it gets an average 93 inches of snow a year. Kenneth Smith, the schools superintendent, is so certain that Chinese students will eventually arrive by the dozen — paying $27,000 a year in tuition, room and board — that he is scouting vacant properties to convert to dormitories.

Millinocket is a mill town in Penobscot County, population 149,419.

1 comment:

  1. The mission of our public schools is to provide good education for our students. Provide good education and families will move in the town and business will follow.
    If you cannot provide this, the enrollment will shrink, close the school.
