Thursday, September 23, 2010

Law and Order in the Ozarks (Part LXIX): Impersonation of an officer an especially bad idea in a rural community

The most recent issues of the Newton County Times report relatively little law and order news, save for this front page headline in the Sept. 15, 2010 edition, "Two arrested for impersonating police." It reports that two men from the neighboring city of Harrison were arrested on Sept. 9 for "criminal impersonation of a police officer." The two men, both in their early 20s, stopped an off-duty wildlife officer and his family, who were driving in the officer's personal vehicle. One of the men identified himself as a Newton County deputy, using the deputy's name. The off-duty wildlife officer knew that this man was not the deputy and reported the incident to the Newton County Sheriff. The two Harrison men were soon arrested. One was also charged with public intoxication, the other with DWI.

In other news, a vacancy was declared on the Quorum Court after Justice of the Peace Terry Middleton missed a fourth consecutive regular meeting. The governor has authority to appoint a replacement to the seat. The missing JP was defeated in the May Republican primary to retain his seat.

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