Sunday, June 27, 2010

Law and Order in the Ozarks (Part LIX): Fire Association funds missing

The June 2 issue of the Newton County Times reports that "an investigation report of the Compton Fire Association for Jan 1, 2005, through Dec. 31, 2008, conduced by the Division of Legislative Audit (DLA), has been submitted to Ron Kincade, prosecuting attorney for the 14th Judicial District." The report shows "unauthorized and undocumented disbursements of $5,026. State representative Roy Ragland had requested a review of the Fire Association's transactions. Irregularities appear to relate to the Fire Association's former bookkeeper, who was also the bookkeeper for the area Water Association, where irregularities were also found.

In other news, Carroll Electric Cooperative's annual membership meeting was the scene of conflict as about 60 members appeared to protest the cooperative's "recent change from cutting its rights of way with machines to using herbicides." Although protesters were told at least year's meeting that they could request that their property not be sprayed, many such requests have not been respected. Speakers at the annual meeting were stopped mid-sentence if they went over the 2-minute limit for making comments, and the total speaking time was limited to just 20 minutes. No end to the 2-year-old conflict is in sight.

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