Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rural-urban conflict over USDA policy?

Read Susan Schneider's post over at Ag Law Blog re: Senators McCain, Chambliss, and Roberts, who are challenging the USDA Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food (KYF) program. Among other issues Prof. Schneider raises: is it helpful to analyze this USDA policy in a way that pits rural and urban against each other? Also, so little of USDA's budget goes to rural development (as opposed to farm subsidies--that is subsidies to agribusiness, not to small farmers), it seems that the Republican senators are posturing, and don't actually know much about the topic of their letter to Secretary Vilsack about KYF....

On a somewhat related note, don't miss this from today's Wall Street Journal on who is really a farmer at the farmer's market.

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