Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Law and Order in the Ozarks (Part LII): Middleton charged with various thefts following exhaustive search

I wrote a few weeks ago on a massive search that law enforcement officers were executing on the property of the Middleton brothers, recently very much in the news because of various criminal exploits. Read more here and here. The April 15, 2010 issue of the Newton County Times reports in detail on what was found during the search and the charges that have resulted. Ricky Middleton is charged with theft by receiving, two counts of altering or changing engine or other numbers, and possession of a vehicle without manufacturers numbers, a misdemeanor. The story provides extensive details of vehicles found during the search, several with altered VIN numbers. It also reports on the recovery of a bag of vehicle titles, along with VCRs, car stereos, camera equipment, and power tools. Trial on these new charges has been set for August 6. The story indicates that the search warrant that led to recovery of the vehicles and other equipment that may have been stolen was based on information that David Middleton was using Ricky Middleton's property to store and sell methamphetamines. The story does not report on the recovery of any drugs during the March 2010 search.

In other community news, a story headlined "Breast Screening coming to Newton County," reports on free mobile mammogram services that will be provided for one day at the Newton County Health Unit.

The newspaper recently began a series called "52 reasons we love Newton County," and this week's feature is "No. 46: Historic churches of Jasper," which includes a photo of the Jasper Christian Church, built in 1887.

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