Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chinese Premier announces efforts to improve rural education

Here's an excerpt from the report in the New York Times.

The government will take new steps to recruit top-level educators to China, to improve teacher training and and to direct talented teachers to impoverished rural areas.
This comment follows a broader and not geographically specific statement about efforts to improve the lives of the poor, including through increased spending on "low-income housing, pensions, education, and health care." China is, of course, a rapidly developing country as evinced by some of the data Wen Jiabao provided in his announcement:
  • 800,000 aging homes renovated in 2009
  • 165,000 miles of power lines upgraded
  • 3,450 miles of new rail lines laid
  • 2,900 miles of new freeways opened
  • 35 airports built from scratch or renovated
The NYT story does not indicate whether the Prime Minister made any other mentions of rural needs and development in his 35-page speech.

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