Monday, September 7, 2009

The last Michigan state fair?

Apparently it just closed today. Read Mary M. Chapman's report in the New York Times. Here's the lede:
Since 1849, Michigan residents have attended the annual state fair, where urban, suburban and farm dwellers can pet Clydesdales, attend rock concerts and watch heifers being born. Barring last-minute support, however, Michigan’s State Fair, the nation’s oldest, held its last event when it ended its 11-day run Monday.
Although last year's fair lost $362,000, the chair of the fair's governing authority, Mark Gaffney, expressed optimism that a "private entity would create a redevelopment plan for the fairgrounds" to keep the fair open, suggesting the need for “more time.” Acknowledging the dominance of urban life in Michigan and echoing a sense of loss expressed by other Michigan residents about the demise of the fair, Gaffney said, "Kids here grow up in the city and never see a cow. ... Here, they not only can see a cow, they can milk it.”

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