Wednesday, August 26, 2009

More eco/agritourism

Read Kim Severson's feature in the Dining and Wine section of the New York Times, under the headline, "$300 a night? Yes, but Haying's Free." The dateline is Walton, New York, which the Census Bureau calls "Walton Village," with a population of 3,070. Here's the lede:

LET me start by saying that if you want to throw bales of hay into the back of a truck, Vans are not the best choice in footwear.

That’s the sort of thing one learns when the family vacation is on a farm.

Of course, there are those who might say throwing bales of hay is a stupid way to spend a vacation — especially a vacation where the accommodations cost $332 a night, tax and fresh eggs included.

Read other posts on agritourism here and here.

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