Monday, August 17, 2009

Law and Order in the Ozarks (Part XXXV): Vandalism at the fairgrounds

The August 6, 2009 issue of the Newton County Times features a big law and order story on the front page: "Vandalism strikes fair." The item reports that vandals caused about $2,000 worth of damage to the fair grounds, just a few weeks before the opening of the 92nd annual Newton County Fair. Very sadly, the cost of repairing the damage will consume about all of the "profit" the fair is expected to make each year. The Sheriff Department's report about the incident indicates that two concession stands were forced open, and that some candy was taken. In addition, air conditioning units were turned on and left running in both concession stands. The fair runs this year from August 22-30, and the article describes it as "a weeklong celebration of community endeavors."

In other news, the Quorum Court (elected Justices of the Peace) has decided not to build a community fishing pond, although money had earlier been earmarked for the project. The sticking point was inability to find a suitable site.

The Quorum Court is also facing one neighborhood's demands for a vicious animal ordinance because several dogs in the area have been mauled by another dog who is permitted to run loose by its owner. The dog apparently also threatens people. The Quorum Court appears reluctant to act, though a resident of the affected area brought to the meeting a neighboring county's vicious animal ordinance as a model for Newton County to consider.

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