Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Urban farming--that's the subject of the second most popular story on the NYT website right now

Read the report by Marian Burros here. Interestingly, this very popular story appears in the Dining and Wine Section (which I, for one, seldom reach with my own hard copy of the Times).

An excerpt follows:
Aeries are cropping up on America’s skylines, filled with the promise of juicy tomatoes, tiny Alpine strawberries and the heady perfume of basil and lavender. High above the noise and grime of urban streets, gardeners are raising fruits and vegetables. Some are simply finding the joys of backyard gardens several stories up, others are doing it for the environment and some because they know local food sells well.
Other stories on the topic of urban farming have also been popular. See earlier posts here, here and here.

Twenty-four hours later, the story is still in the top 10 most emailed stories on

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