Friday, May 8, 2009

The Daily Yonder responds to Brokaw re: local government costs

Read Bill Bishop's thoughtful response here.

My post about Brokaw's piece is here.

There's lots of other good stuff on the Yonder this week, including this story about both political parties' responses to the recession's impact on rural places and their proposals regarding what government should do about it.

I note in particular this action by the GOP:
Last week House Republicans announced a new group composed of 15 Republican House members that will address rural issues. The Rural America Solutions Group will “focus on solutions that create jobs and economic opportunities as well as address the unique challenges rural communities face,” according to a press release.

The group is taking President Obama to task for failing to deliver on a campaign promise to hold a rural issues summit in the first 100 days of his administration.

An earlier post about the Democrats' efforts on behalf of rural communities is here.

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