Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So, North Dakota matters after all?

Read Monica Davey's story in the NYT about federal assistancein the run up to (and presumably wake of) the Red River flooding over this past week. Here is a fun excerpt about how the city drew up an evacuation plan with no intention of ever using it:

The idea of abandoning those efforts [to build up dikes and earthen walls]— just as the big test was approaching — was not negotiable for many residents, who were needed to monitor and reinforce the dikes even as the river crested.

“The process for the entire United States is not the same as it is for Fargo, N.D.,” the mayor said. “You have to know Fargo.”

(Some city leaders say they have a slogan to remember this flood by, something they envision printing on T-shirts soon: Spirit of Fargo: Evacuation is not an option.)

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