Monday, March 16, 2009

Senate Democrats reach out to rural America

Senator Blanche Lincoln, D-AR, is heading up this new "Rural Outreach" initiative by Senate Democrats. The website is here. The agenda is summarized here:
Rural America reflects our nation's most precious values: hard work, independence, and an unparalleled commitment to community. Senate Democrats provide a voice for the over 50 million hard-working rural Americans and support an agenda that addresses the unique challenges they face. Senate Democrats will fight for policies that revitalize and reinvest in our communities so that, together, we can build a stronger rural America.
It enumerates these items:
  • Health Care
  • Education
  • Economic Development
  • Agriculture
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Veterans and National Guard
  • Rural Law Enforcement and Homeland Security
  • Infrastructure
The last item specifically mentions broadband, along with clean drinking water, flood control, and transportation.

This initiative clearly goes beyond agriculture, though I note the image used on the new website features a farm.

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