Saturday, March 28, 2009

More on the Obamas' urbanicity in the NYT

Here's an excerpt from Rachel Swarns' story, which appeared in the Thursday Style section of the New York Times.
The Obamas, after all, are city people, former community organizers who have long felt at home in the urban landscape. Mr. Obama is the first president since Richard M. Nixon to be elected while living in a city neighborhood, in his case, Chicago’s racially and economically diverse Hyde Park. And the Obamas are now eager to explore the city beyond the White House walls.
Valerie Jarrett, a senior advisor to Obama offered this comment: “They want their lives not to be confined solely to the White House but rather to become a part of the urban, vibrant fabric of D.C.”

I have commented previously about the media's focus on the urban-ness of Obama. See one post here, which links to older ones.

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