Monday, October 13, 2008

Lots of ag news this week . . .

Not only was the NYT Magazine all about food and its production, a story from that issue, "Farmer in Chief," has been on the top-10 emailed list on the Times website for a few days now.

In addition, NPR reporters were back in Iowa visiting with the Griffieons, farmers they are following for a year. Listen to the latest installment here.

On the international front, the New York Times website featured this slide show on Russian agriculture a few weeks ago.

For all your ag law needs and for the latest news on these issues, be sure to visit Agricultural Law.

Meanwhile, I've been reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver, which made it especially upsetting that no vegetables -- not even tomatoes -- were available at my local (California!) farmer's market today.

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