Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Preserving a Western lifestyle, while stimulating rural economies

A story this morning on NPR's Day to Day program featured a strategy for rural development being used in New Mexico: providing funds to enhance the tradition of rodeos there, including in small towns, because of the boost it brings to their economies. One person interviewed calls rodeo a Western way of life for youth, akin to soccer in other parts of the country.

Hear the full story here. This is the lede from the website:
Three years ago New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson formed the New Mexico Rodeo Council in an attempt to boost his state's economy. The effort is beginning to pay off. This week, the state hosts the National High school rodeo finals, billed the "world's largest rodeo."
That "world's largest rodeo" is being held this week in Farmington, N.M., in the Four Corners region. Farmington is micropolitan, with a population of about 38,000.

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